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Rosh Hashanah Evening Service + a Special Ritual Commemorating the Anniversary of October 7th (see description below) – 7:30pm in the Main Sanctuary
Rosh Hashanah Evening Service to Include a Special Ritual Commemorating the Anniversary of October 7th Wednesday, October 2 at 7:30pm - in the Main Sanctuary With the first anniversary of the October 7th attack in Israel falling during our High Holydays season, our Rosh Hashanah Evening Service this year will include a special ritual of song, poetry and prayer in memory of the dead, in solidarity with the hostages and their families, and in compassion for all those who have suffered so greatly during the past year.
YK Afternoon Study Session and Memorial Garden Dedication: The Role of Remembrance in Our Personal Growth Saturday, October 12 at 11:45am - in the Main Sanctuary & Memorial Garden Directly following our Yom Kippur Morning Service, our entire clergy team will partner in teaching texts and facilitating a discussion about “The Role of Remembrance in Our Personal Growth.” Our study will conclude with a brief dedication ritual in our beautiful new Memorial Garden.
Family Service - in the Beit Midrash or via Live Stream This service is designed to bring the entire family together through music and interactive prayer opportunities. It is tailored to families with children aged 7 and up.
Children's Service - in the Main Sanctuary This lively service is geared towards families with children ages 6 and under and is open to the whole community (regardless of Temple membership). The service includes singing and storytelling with our entire clergy team.
Tashlich Thursday, October 3 at 5:00pm Location to be announced closer to High Holydays Join us for one of our most meaningful and spiritual experiences at LBT! As the sun goes down on Rosh Hashanah, our LBT community ventures off to the beach for a Tashlich service, where we symbolically "cast off" our sins (in the form of breadcrumbs) into the water. After the service, please join us for a "bring your own picnic dinner and a beautiful evening at the shore. You won't want to miss it!
Musical Meditation Saturday, October 12 at 3:00pm Our annual Musical Meditation is a beloved part of LBT’s Yom Kippur Afternoon. Come enrich your Yom Kippur experience with the gifts of music and community togetherness. The Musical Meditation will also be available for viewing online. Whether you will be participating in person or via stream, please click on the High Holyday Request button below to affirm your choice, by service. For a better experience, we recommend completing the forms on a computer and not a mobile device.
Sun, September 15 2024 12 Elul 5784